Wednesday, May 23, 2007

13 weeks and going strong

13 weeks ago, I was down with flu and fever that lasted like forever.
My cousin thought that I might be pregnant. But the test pack showed otherwise. So I gobbled some antibiotics.

10 weeks ago, I was still not feeling well. Another test pack. And yes, this time it's POSITIVE!

8 weeks ago, the morning sickness started to bug me.
Loss appetite and feeling dizzy kept me home and in bed most of the time.

5 weeks ago, the first time I saw my tiny baby... our little star!!
Still a small round thing but I could hear its' heart beating really fast...

A week ago, another visit to the gynae. Another peek to my belly.

The dot has grown into a 7cm almost perfect shape. And the tiny hands were waving at us... Hi there!!!


Anonymous said...

get well soon

Cookie Monster said...

Thank you, ograbmi