Friday, August 25, 2006

a leap of faith

Things have been pretty messy these few weeks...
there are too many changes in life that I can handle.
I've been trying to digest each change and hoping to be able to get a grip before drowning in the pool of anger, frustration and dissapointment.
After a long talk with my fiance, I decided to quit my current job. I will submit the paper next week.
I never leave a company without back up plan and right now I have no plan B!
I don't see myself holding on my current position either and have had enough of being treated like a useless person.

My fiance and I have been planning to start a business on our own but haven't had the guts to really jump into it. So many things to consider, including capitals and outstanding bills to be paid.
I see us leaving our reguler job to start the biz eventually but not this soon!
But right now we only have 2 choices: do it now or never!!
And we chose to do it now eventhough we aren't prepared to..

It's not a comfortable feeling though, like jumping off the cliff and hoping someone prepare a safety net just in time before I reach the ground... or else I'd be history...
Maybe it is called having faith that everything will be taken care of as long as I believe that they will be.

I cross my fingers!!

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